Rental service and minivan
Find out more about our rental service and read about how you can borrow our minivan!

Rental service
At LOKO Central, students and associations of Leuven can borrow all kinds of materials. It is even free of charge for student unions and recognised associations in Leuven! All you have to do, is pay a deposit.
- At LOKO Central ('s-Meiersstraat 5!), recognised associations, student unions and students can borrow a cargo bike, beamers, steward jackets, projection screens, cantus pitchers... The former offer of the rental service of LOKO Sport can now also be found at LOKO Central.
- Cannot find what you're looking for? Take a look at Stura's rental service:
Cashless rental service
! ATTENTION: LOKO's rental service works cashless and therefore the deposit must be paid via bank transfer.
- Transfer the exact amount (max. 500 euros) to DIDO vzw (BE22 0011 4801 9147) with notice "Deposit [Name of organisation] rental service LOKO [Date of reservation]".
- The Maximum deposit is always €500, regardless of renting goods for a bigger amount according to the rental tool.
- Bring a digital or printed proof of transfer with you when collecting the materials.
Fixed deposit
From now on, we work with a contract to reaffirm the fixed deposit every year. At the beginning of each academic year, LOKO will send you a new contract. So you no longer have to ask for renewal yourself.
The fees will also change. From now on the standard fixed deposit will be €300. The fixed deposit of €100 disappears. The fixed deposit of €500 also disappears, unless your kring/association regularly uses the van of the CLD via LOKO. If that is the case, your association can take out a fixed "van deposit" of €500 instead of €300.
(Note: If you don't want the van deposit but still want to borrow the van once or twice a year, just make a one-time payment of an extra €200 to LOKO as a van deposit, which you will get back afterwards.)
Any deposit withheld due to damage or alike will be invoiced at the end of the semester. This invoice must be paid to top up the fixed deposit to the original amount.
At the end of the second semester, when LOKO's rental service closes, the 'kring'/free association will be given the choice of either replenishing the deposit for the following academic year or requesting a refund of the deposit, in which case they will be refunded the original amount minus any retained deposit on the invoice.

Cargo Bikes - KU Leuven Green Office
LOKO provides two cargo bikes of the KU Leuven Green Office free of charge within its rental service. Morerover, cargo bikes do not require a deposit!
Both LOKO cargo bikes unavailable? Check if there are any more cargo bikes available at the website of the KU Leuven Green Office itself!
Looking for a vehicle to transport material to the location of your student activity? Didn't find a van, but found a driver? We might have just the thing for you!
The Central Logistics Services (CLD) of the KU Leuven put a KU Leuven service vehicle at the disposal of student unions ('kringen') and recognised associations, available via LOKO. You only pay for the driven distance.
You can read all the details in the Minivan Contract 2022-2023 (see button below). This is also the document you sign and send to after your reservation is confirmed. You can make a reservation by filling in the request form and sending it to
A student union or association can reserve the vehicle by contacting the staff of LOKO via
This must be done at least one week in advance and the vehicle can only be booked one month ahead. The staff will check the availability of the vehicle at the CLD of KU Leuven.
In order to reserve the vehicle at LOKO, the following information is required:
- Driver's name, e-mail address, telephone number and student number;
- Student union or association
- Reason of transport
- Concrete time of collection and return (date + hour). Pick up is possible every weekday between 8 am and 4.30 pm.
If the vehicle is available, the student union or association will visit the LOKO office ('s-Meiersstraat 5) to sign the contract. Moreover you pay the deposit of €500 to DIDO VZW on the bank number BE22 0011 4801 9147 with the notice of "Waarborg [Association] Bestelbusje LOKO [Date of reservation]".
- Afterwards, the driver can pick up the vehicle in Heverlee at the CLD, Willem de Croylaan 36, 3001 Leuven. Your student card is necessary to get acces to the keys of the vehicle.
The van may only be used in the region of Leuven. After all, the van is already a little older and therefore no longer suitable for long distances. Ideally, the van is used to transport material that does not belong to the rental service of the KU Leuven, as they offer to deliver themselves.
It is a van without a tail lift for which you need a drivers license B. There are a couple of different vehicles available. If you need specific measurements for the vehicle, be sure to contact
The vehicle is supplied with a full gas tank and must be returned with a full tank as well.
The service vehicle can only be borrowed by student unions ('kringen') or student associations recognised by LOKO.
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