Beiaardcantus 2025
On the 14th of May LOKO will organize the 8th edition of the Beiaardcantus (or carillon cantus). The carillon will be ready to guide the biggest cantus of Belgium!

Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein,
3000 Leuven
More information regarding tickets to follow soon!

What is a ‘beiaardcantus’?
A beiaardcantus is a huge cantus with instrumental accompaniment by a 'beiaard', or carillon. The Leuven Beiaardcantus is the oldest and largest of its kind and is musically supported by a carillonneur in the tower of the university library. With its 63 bells, it is one of the largest in the world. Not only do we hear it when it tolls each hour, but multiple times a week the university carillonneur performs concerts for the whole city to enjoy.
You can learn about about the carillons of Leuven here:

The Beiaardcantus on the 14th of May is only for students. Do not fret, for the first time there is an Alumni Beiaardcantus!
On the 15th of May, KU Leuven and LOKO invite all alumni past and present to this special first. While hoisting a beer (or an alcoholic-free alternative), you will sing along to your favourite student songs from the codex.
You can find more information regarding tickets here:
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