Movies @ Lokation: Lost in Translation - Far from Home

03 Dec 2019

Movies @ Lokation is back! In the theme "Far From Home" LOKO presents two cult classics in an atmospheric environment: "Whiplash" on 26/11 and "Lost in Translation" on 3/12. All that, free of charge!

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03 Dec 2019

Anatomisch Amfitheater, Minderbroedersstraat 50, 3000 Leuven

Lost in Translation is an American-Japanese film from 2003, about a growing friendship in Tokyo, an immense and chaotic city where neither understands the language nor the culture.

The movie will be screened in the Anatomical Amphitheatre, a room dating back from 1744 where dissections on humans and animals were made for students of medicine. Later, the protestant church held services there. In other words, a storied place. Ideal for watching a cult classic on a cosy night out.

On November 26 you can also enjoy "Whiplash" in the Couvreur Room.


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