Student Unions ('kringen') and Associations
LOKO supports student unions ('kringen') and free associations in their activities. Below, you can find an overview of all 'kringen' and free associations associated with LOKO. A student Union ('kring') consists of students of one or more branch of studies. It represents those students in the Gerenal Assembly of LOKO. Assocations are recognised by LOKO and for that recognition, they receive an activity subsidy. Associations are not represented in the General Assembly and are not bound by LOKO, except for the recognition criteria.
Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering

Faculty of Economics and Business

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Faculty of Canon Law

Faculty of Medicine

Nursing, Midwifery and master in Management and Policies of Health Care at KU Leuven
Faculty of Engineering Technology

Faculty of Engineering Science & Faculty of Architecture

Engineering Science at KU Leuven (Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering & Architecture)
Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Faculty of Law and Criminology
Faculty of Social Sciences

Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies

Faculty of Science

Atlas Leuven
Student Association of Geography, Geology, Tourism and Sustainable Development at KU Leuven. Fusion of Merkator and Geos.

Institute of Philosophy

LUCA School of Arts Campus Lemmens


Thematic Associations
These associations are for a more general public, or for people with certain interests or hobbies. They typically have both international and local members.

180 Degrees Consulting Leuven
180 Degrees Consulting Leuven is een studentenorganisatie die streeft naar
het creƫren van sociale impact door het uitvoeren van verschillende
projecten voor VZW's.

AIESEC helps students to do volunteer work or an internship abroad through an exchange programme. The association evens helps you to create your CV.

AFC or 'Academics For Companies' is an association which wants to close the gap between university educations and business.

AFD or 'Academics for Development' is an organization which wants to give students the opportunity to have a social impact both at home and abroad through social entrepreneurship. AFD does that by organizing projects abroad and events/workshops in Belgium.

AFT or 'Academics for Technology' is a non-profit organization which combines entrepreneurship and technology. The organization arranges workshops and events to give students the opportunity of self-development.

Actief Linkse Studenten (ALS)
Actief Linkse Studenten is een politieke studentenorganisatie, met een duidelijk antikapitalistisch programma. ALS richt zich op studenten aan universiteiten en hogescholen en roept jongeren op om zelf actief de verdediging van hun rechten op te nemen. Naast het organiseren van politieke discussies over marxistische theorie en hedendaagse arbeidersstrijd bouwt ALS actief campagnes uit voor degelijk en gratis onderwijs naast campagnes tegen seksisme, tegen racisme en LGBTQI+fobie, campagnes tegen klimaatverandering, etc. waarbij we telkens de link leggen tussen jongerenstrijd en arbeidersstrijd.

The biggest symphonic student orchestra of Leuven which organises a performance of a particular theme each semester. Apart from rehearsing, the student orchestra also organises many other events such as movie nights and parties.

Artifex' main purpose is to broaden the mind of the individual by offering creative, alternative and especially relaxing activities. This is clearly reflected in songfests ('cantus'), but also in other activities such as an initiation in self-defence or a conjuring evening.

BahĆ”Ć Student Club

BeMSA Leuven
BeMSA or 'the Belgian Medical Student Association' is an association associated with Medica, which represents the Belgian medical students. The association organises, for instance, events to introduce the students to new developments in medicine.

BEST Leuven
Board of European Students of Technology is an association of engineers that wants to give Leuven engineers and bio-engineers the opportunity of an international experience. That way, the association for instance, wants to fade geographical boarders and impart their members a certain knowledge about cultures of fellow Europeans. They are mostly known for their summer courses in European cities.

Beta Sigma Club
Beta Sigma Club is creating the next generation of Quants by engaging students creatively and critically with financial markets.

BLASE is de eerste studentenorganisatie gefocust op management- en leadershipskills voor studenten. Leer meer over organizational, people, change, international management, enz. via ons bootcamp of een van onze openbare events.

Bloedserieus Leuven
Bloedserieus Leuven is a group of students that wants to convince young people to become blood donors. They do it in collaboration with the Red Cross. Every year they organise, for instance, the 'Bloedserieusweek' at which donors get goodiebags after their donation.

Cantores Lovanienses
Cantores Lovanienses is a student-like male-voice choir that sings songs of the student songbook in parts. The assocation wants to show the tradition of 'cantus' in a positive light.

Capitant is a student organisation which aims to introduce students to and further guide them in the world of finance, in all aspects and worldwide.

CDS Leuven
CDS or 'Christendemocratische Studenten Leuven' is a student association for the Leuven Christian Democratic student. Every Tuesday, it organises conversation nights, debates or workshops.

Chimes Leuven
Wij vormen de Leuvense tak van de nationale studentenvereniging: Chimes - Chirurgie voor medische studenten. Via workshops en lezingen bieden wij een platform voor het ontwikkelen van vaardigheden en kennis rond chirurgie in al zijn aspecten.

COMAC is a movement of Leuven students that dedicates itself to a free of charge, high quality and democratic education and for socialism in general.

Debat Squad Leuven
Debat Squad is een vereniging die jongeren wil aanmoedigen en inspireren om te debatteren. Studenten kunnen zich bij Debat Squad aansluiten als mentor om jongeren de kneepjes van het vak aan te leren of als actief bestuurslid.

D&D Leuven Students
We are a student association where playing and learning D&D and other TTRPGs are our main focus. We organize evenings to play together and to learn from each other. To do this we organize workshops and once a month we host an evening to play D&D together (campaigns or one shots).

ELSA Leuven
ELSA Leuven is an organization aimed at connecting legal theory to legal practice. The association supports law students and helps them prepare for a future career.

Emergent Leuven is the Data Science and A.I. student community in Leuven, welcoming all backgrounds. We believe that Data & A.I. will change every aspect of our future society.

Epex is an organisation that teaches Leuven students about the basic principles of real estate finance and economics through case studies, workshops and guest lecturers.

Euroavia Leuven
EUROAVIA Leuven is een lokale groep van EUROAVIA, de Europese associatie van aerospace studenten. Wij organiseren bedrijfsbezoeken, lezingen en workshops in teken van lucht- en ruimtevaart.

Food Saving Leuven

Formula Electric Belgium

Greenhill Capital
Greenhill Capital is an open investment organisation whose goal it is to guide students in the world of finance. Through active sessions, lectures and wokshops, students can learn about how they can invest in a sustainable way.

Humasol is intended to make renewable energy, water and sustainable technology accessible for everyone. The organisation has projects running in Africa, Asia and South-America.

IAAS Leuven
Internationale organisatie voor studenten bio-ingenieur, biologie, landbouw, milieu, voeding en aanverwanten.

International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, is an association that guides engineering students and newly graduated engineers to a work experience abroad.

Ichtus is aimed at Christian students and sympathizers in Leuven. On Wednesdays, the association has Ichtus night on which they sing, pray and study the Bible.

InciSioN Leuven
InciSioN Leuven is a local subcommittee of the global eponymous movement on a mission to unite, empower and inspire the next generation of leaders in Global Surgery. Our vision is to create a connected network of students and young physicians passionate about surgery, fostering international collaboration, knowledge exchange and advocacy for equitable surgical care worldwide. Through education, evidence-based innovation and community engagement, we aim to break down barriers, promote diversity and contribute to the advancement of global surgical knowledge and practices.

Jong Groen Leuven
With Jong Groen Leuven, we work around progressive themes such as ecology, sustainability, inclusion, solidarity, and equal opportunity.

Jong NV-A Leuven
The local division of Jong N-VA aims to unite the members of Jong N-VA Leuven and the members of Jong N-VA studying in Leuven. The association especially engages with student themes, but does not lose sight of municipal politics.


The KU Leuven Model United Nations Association's main activity is MUN. MUN are meetings where students debate about the most urgent matters dealt with by the UN and where they look for solutions for those existing problems. Those problems may concern matters like legalization of automatic weapons or women's rights in less developed countries.
KU Leuven Photography Club
The Photography Club (KU Leuven) is a student association working on photography. Students can get information on photography or share their interests with each other.

Langoestine Improtheater
Wij zijn Langoestine, een longform improvisietheater uit Leuven, bestaande uit geĆ«ngageerde, toffe studenten. Wij willen het brede studentenpubliek in Leuven een betoverende avond bieden door het spelen van lange (+- 1,5 uur) geĆÆnproviseerde verhalen op podium.

LCM SA or 'Leuven Center of Collaborative Management Student Association' organizes workshops for its members concerning negotiation techniques.

Leuven Debating Society
The Leuven Debating Society is an association working on everything related to debating.

Leuven Juris Club
- De Leuven Juris Club is een vereniging van rechtenstudenten die juridisch advies verleent aan studenten, particulieren, start-ups, kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen.

Leuvens Universitair Koor
The Leuven Universitair Koor is a mixed concert choir existing of Leuven students. Besides musical activities such as concerts, adornments and rehearsal weekends, LUK also organizes student-like activities such as songfests ('cantus') and parties.

The Leuven Universitaire Alpinisten Klub is a club for climbers in Leuven. The association organizes activities directly or indirectly linked with climbing. Among other things, the members go climbing in the Ardennes each Sunday.

Minos is an association working on Europe. The association tries to encourage students to think critically about the European project ranging from European politics and culture to history and science. Minos frequently organizes workshops, readings and debates.

Napoleon Loopclub
Bij de Napoleon Loopclub sporten wij elke week samen. Meestal doen we aan de diverse disciplines van de atletiek, maar af en toe worden ook andere sporten beoefend. De nadruk ligt er bij ons op dat het een laagdrempelige mogelijkheid is om te sporten, en om tijdens het sporten nieuwe mensen te leren kennen.

Pati Pati
Pati Pati is a student choir that wants to make the world a better place whilst singing by, for example, organizing a concert for the benefit of a good cause. Everyone is welcome to take part!

First Love
Een familie waar je jouw door God gegeven talent kan gebruiken om je ware zelf te worden! Hetgeen te worden waarvoor God je gemaakt heeft.

Preparee is a student improvisational theater group. The association provides weekly trainings, frequent performances, workshops and improvisational events. All students are welcome to participate in trainings every Tuesday night.
Quivr is a student association which strives to ease the live of students by bringing together all necessary information, such as timetables and student-relevant events in an app named after the associations.

Sky Campus Leuven
We are a student initiative focused on developing a happy and mindful campus community where students can thrive in life and lead with clarity of mind, purpose and sense of belonging.

Solar Team
Het Solar Team is een Belgisch team dat bestaat uit ingenieursstudenten van de KU Leuven die ernaar streven om de beste en meest innovatieve zonnewagen ter wereld te bouwen.

Spectrum Leuven

STAG is a community of students from around the globe who are passionate about theatrical arts. We value theatre to a great extent and expect and see the same enthusiasm in our members.

Stellar Vector
Stellar Vector is an organization that aims to make you more familiar with cybersecurity. We organize events in which we dig into diverse hacking techniques and participate in hacking competitions (CTFs) with the goal of getting hand-on experience in ethical hacking and securing the digital world.

Studenten voor Solidariteit
Studenten Voor Solidariteit is a project for and by Leuven students who have an eye for solidarity, ecology, North-South cooperation and (international) justice.

Student Forecasting Society (SFS)

Students For Climate
Students For Climate is a group of Leuven students that dedicates itself to a more ambitious, social and fair climate policy.

The Voice
The Voice is the local KU Leuven student magazine which provides regular quality content in English by students and for students. The magazine publishes articles and broadcasts weekly radio shows on a variety of topics relating to Leuven Life, Arts & Culture, Opinion/Politics and Science, to keep all students updated on current events and on the opinions and interests of other students.

Thiasos is an association for students who study Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Ancient History, or for students interested in classical culture. The association wants to be a meeting point to discover classical cultures in a non-study related way.

The Universitair Harmonieorkest Leuven (or simply UHO vzw) was founded in 1979, on the initiative of then Rector Pieter De Somer. Today, the UHO consists of students, former students and staff members of KU Leuven and UC Leuven-Limburg. Together, they work towards a number of musical highlights throughout the academic year.

Ujeli Care Center

Unix Lovers Yield Student Services and Internet Support is a student association aspiring to bringing technology closer to students and KU Leuven staff. The associations provides for hostings, workshops, job fairs and assistance on events.

Una.lliance is a student-led initiative that promotes transnational collaboration and engagement within the framework of the Una Europa alliance. Our purpose is to create inclusive student experience by organasing local events and intiatives to inform and engage KU Leuven students of Una Europa opportunities.

Unitas Leuven focusses on students with a disability. The association offers a platform where students come together, share ideas and participate in accessible activities. Everyone, with or without a disability, is welcome to participate during or to contribute to the activities.

UNYA is the youth section of the United Nations Association which works on (possible) international items on the agenda of the UN.

USO (Universitair Symfonisch Orkest)
Het Universitair Symfonisch Orkest van de Katholieke Universiteit van Leuven, kortweg het USO is een symfonisch orkest bestaande uit Leuvense studenten. Het USO geeft jaarlijks verschillende concerten in binnen- en buitenland. Daarnaast worden er ook leuke studentikoze activiteiten georganiseerd zoals feestjes en cantussen.

WEMS (The Wilderness and Expedition Medicine Society) Belgium is een studentenvereniging, gevestigd in Leuven, die als doel heeft om studenten in Belgiƫ te motiveren en samen te brengen rond het thema Expeditie- en Wildernisgeneeskunde. Onderwerpen zoals berg geneeskunde, duikgeneeskunde, ruimtevaartgeneeskunde en andere gespecialiseerde gebieden willen wij tot de student brengen door het organiseren van educatieve en interactieve lezingen, workshops, trips en meer.

Wetswinkel Leuven
Wetswinkel Leuven is an association of law students who provide for renting recommendation free of charge to both owner and tenant.

Wieslandia is a student association that wants to unite students that like to play whist. The members meet regularly over a glass of beer to play a game of whist.

Young Energy Reviewers Association is an association that wants to shed light on the energy issue.
Regional International Associations

The Asian Student Association tries to bring together Leuven students with an asian background to create a pleasant group of students and friends.

ASAL (African Students Association in Leuven)
ASAL is a network that provides African students and their non-African friends with a Leuven-based interactive social network, cultural exchange and support. Founded on the basis of representation in activities for Africa, ASAL fosters visibility of African students within KU Leuven/Leuven, cultivates inter/intra-African knowledge/culture exchange and promotes African influence, diversity, outreach and transformation agenda.

The Armenian Students Leuven is a group of Armenian students that wants to unite students and young professionals with an Armenian background.

CSAL or 'The Chinese Students and Scholars Association of Leuven' tries to unite students with a Chinese background by planning activities together.

Dar Leuven
Dar Leuven is a Moroccan student association that encourages students to come together to explore the rich history and culture of Morocco. It connects students academically and culturally.

ESN or 'Erasmus Student Network' is the biggest student association of Europe and represents all international students, both homecoming and exchange students.

Georgian Student Assocation
Georgian Student Association KU Leuven serves as a platform to introduce Georgian culture, history, and politics to the student community of KU Leuven. The association welcomes all students who are interested in joining!

IMSAL or 'The International Muslim Association Leuven' is an association of muslim students in Leuven which helps new students to find their way through Leuven. The organization helps Muslims with their integration in the Belgian society. On top of that, the association organizes activities and supports students in studying and practicing their faith.

ISAL or 'Indian Student Association Leuven' is an organization which tries to unite the European and Indian culture by organizing cultural events.

Janus International Theatre
We are an international theatre group. We gather members from all over the world. All of our activities are in English. Some of the activities you can encounter in Janus involve: improvisation games, script writing, and acting, of course. We focus mainly on comedy. We like to have fun while doing theatre.Our rehearsals take place at Pangaea in the hub on Saturday evenings. We generally do two plays a year at Pangaea.You don't need to be a professional. Everybody is welcome to join!

A group of students that celebrates the divers cultures of African students in Leuven.

Kultur is an association for Turks at KU Leuven to make their bond stronger. Our purpose is to introduce our university to Turkish students, to help them to make new friendships, to keep the Turkish culture alive.

Leuven Gakusei Forum
Leuven Gakusei Forum is an association mainly aimed at Japanology students or Japanese students in Leuven, but is open to everyone. The association organizes events to make friends and to promote intercultural exchanges.

Sarv - Iranian Student Association
Sarv is an association that supports students with Iranian backgrounds and celebrates the diverse culture of Iran by organizing various events.

Wasl is an Afghan student association that provides a supportive platform for students to share experiences, thoughts and challenges. Our mission is to bring students together, create a strong community and celebrate Afghan culture through engaging events, meaningful discussions and cultural activities.

KOCO Letteren


Scientica is the umbrella organization of the 5 student unions (BIOS, Chemika, Geos, Merkator, Wina) at the Faculty of Science at KU Leuven. Scientica focuses on activities between these student unions, a course service and representation for all science students at KU Leuven.
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