24 urenloop 2022

25 Oct 2022 - 26 Oct 2022

The “24 urenloop” ( 24 hours run) will take place from Tuesday 25 October from 20h till Wednesday 26 October 20h.
24 urenloop is the biggest event from students in Belgium! Students run a lap of 530m for their Student Association in a relay race.

It is a huge sports event with also nice food, bars and a podium with great artists!

When? Start Tuesday 25/10 at 20h
Where? Tervuursevest 101 Heverlee

Follow this event for more updates!
Follow also our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loko.leuven/
and Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@loko.leuven

Be there!

24 urenloop 2022 banner
25 Oct 2022 - 26 Oct 2022

Universitair Sportcentrum

What is the 24 urenloop?

The 24 urenloop is a relay race, in which students run continuously for 24 hours. The teams are mostly associations representing the faculties or residences. Here you can find information on how you can join your association or group!

You can come do a test round at 20:30 at the athletic track at Sportkot, this is possible every day the week before the event. The max time you should run for 530m (1 round) is 1:25.
If you can make this time you can sign up using this form or send us a message on instagram @apolloon_sport.

Atmosfeer is the combination of Merkator, Bios, Geos and Chemika. Everybody is welcome to run a lap for us, no sign up needed! Just come to our booth and we’ll inform you.

Coming soon

Coming soon

Hoog Medisch Verbond
This is a cooperation between Medisoc, Medica, Eros, KLA and Apollonia. You can sign up via this link.
Signing up is not necessary, you can just come to our booth! But we would like to avoid rounds longer than 2:15.

Coming soon

Every Monday and Wednesday at 20h at building De Nayer there are training sessions. You can find facebook events for these sessions.
Thursday 20/10 there will be a last session where you can confirm your lap time.
For one round of 530m we set a limit at 1min30 to run with our teams. If you run faster than 1min30, you can enter our speedy teams.
Here are some links:
https://fb.me/e/3Nwbb5Zmj → 24h run training
https://fb.me/e/1Vgxl9VNP → LBK @24urenloop
and something fun: https://fb.watch/gelEB1OVzS/ → video of some of our students who are abroad at the moment

Here is the sign-up link to run with us. For questions, you can contact Team International or Team Sport.

There are no requirements to run with us, just come to our booth!

Coming soon

Coming soon

Dear international student

You might have some questions about how to participate in the 24 urenloop for Politika. That is why we made this text to make sure you all have all the information you need.

With Politika, every student is allowed to run one or multiple laps. These laps are 530 meters long.

The first 4 hours though, we try to only let our Speedy Team run. This team is for people who run 1 minute 40 seconds or under in one lap. So from 20 o’ clock until 24 o’ clock on october 25th, we tend to only let our fastest people run. Everyone is free to come run for us for the rest of time. This link leads to our facebook event where everything is explained once again and where we have our links to register. Registering is not mandatory but it gives us a better indication on when to expect large crowds and when we will have less people attending.

If you have another question, do not hesitate to contact us at sport@politika.be.

Coming soon

Run 4 Specials
Coming soon

Runner’s High
Coming soon

Thomas Morus
You can sign up with the person responsible for your hallway.

To run with us you don’t have to sign up beforehand, you just have to come to our booth. During the first and last hour of the race we would like for our speedy team to run. If you would like to join the speedy team you have to run a round (530meter) in 1min40 or less. You can sign up for this team on our facebook event. We also have a rescue team for moments when there are too little runners, so if you would like to help us out when we’re in need, you can join this team also by filling out the link on our facebook event.

There is no need to sign up, but you have to run a round in less than 1min25sec.
Here is the link to our facebook event with more info.

There are no requirements to run with us, for extra info you can go to our site.

Other activities

Send us a message

Do you have a question or do you just want to have a nice chat?
Contact or visit us!