Beiaardcantus 2022

11 May 2022

On the 1st of April LOKO organizes the 7th edition of the Beiaardcantus (or carillon cantus). The carillon will be ready to guide the cantus of the new decennium!

Beiaardcantus LOKO WEB ALG 3543x1699
11 May 2022

Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein,
3000 Leuven

Loko background

What is a 'Beiaardcantus'?

A cantus is something that most students know: a singalong where students sing traditional and cultural songs sometimes with a drink. Usually most cantusses in Leuven take place in one of the many venues throughout the city.

A beiaardcantus is a huge cantus with instrumental accompaniment by a 'beiaard', or carillon. The Leuven carillon is the oldest and largest of its kind and is played by a carillonneur in the tower of the university library. With its 63 bells, it is one of the largest in the world. Not only do we hear it when it tolls each hour, but multiple times a week the universitycarillonneur performs concerts for the whole city to enjoy.

Last edition, LOKO broke the worldrecord for the biggest cantus with 4000 participants! Will we break it again this time?

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